Tools & Teachings
~ Black Sect Feng Shui – “Feng Shui” as an art involves the intuitive, aesthetic adjustment of visible and invisible objects or factors, realigning all dimensions of environment into harmony and balance.” The Black Sect is a synthesis of Shamanic and wisdom teachings.
~ Baubiology – ‘Building Biology’ combines a scientific approach with a holistic view of the relationship between people, their buildings, and the earth.
~ Reiki – “The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom” or the “Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy.” So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-awareness facilitation that everyone can use.
~ Kundalini Yoga – The Yoga of Awareness. It is a dynamic, powerful tool that is designed to give you an experience of your soul. It is an inner Feng Shui.
~ Reciprocity – The natural law of giving and receiving. It is the rhythm of a gift economy.
~ Interdependence – “Mutually dependent,” it is the balance of dependence and independence at its finest.
Feng Shui Services
The modern home or building has often been built without regard to it’s placement, natural surroundings, and it’s interiors with little thought to it’s future occupants. Sometimes the materials used were chosen for their immediate need or low price, without consideration to their impact on our environment or our own health. Frequently, the occupants of a building can feel its affect on their life but they don’t know where to begin to correct it. I can help!
– Nepalese Paper – There are many red envelopes on the market today. After much research to find a company dedicated to a healthy planet and prosperous people, I found Nepalese Paper to be the best. To get the envelopes, you need to email them directly and ask for “red mini envelopes.” They come in packs of 50 for $15.
– Crystal Cove Gifts – Order your multi-faceted crystal here. Choose the 50mm size. They have the best price I have found.
– Woodstock Wind Chimes – Good quality, great service, and you can listen to them online before you buy!