Black Sect Feng Shui


(as described by Geomancy/Feng Shui Education Organization of San Francisco)

Feng Shui, the original environmental impact statement, is sometimes regarded as the mother of the natural sciences.  It is among the earliest comprehensive attempts to codify the influences of weather, place and cosmology as a guide to life.  Feng Shui as an art involves the intuitive, aesthetic adjustment of visible and invisible objects or factors, realigning all dimensions of environment into harmony and balance.”

The Black Sect is a synthesis of Shamanic and wisdom teachings. It recognizes that:

  • (a) there is no separation between consciousness, intention and form

  • (b) that form is an expression of intention

  • (c) there is a constant cybernetic and emergent communication between them (a & b).

  • Creation arises out of the great artist/intenders Consciousness.

  • Chi, the vital life force, is both the medium and the message.

“Black Sect Feng Shui is the science/art of the constant, mutual, interactive communication and conditioning between the chi of place or environment and the chi of individuals.”

“As taught by Professor Lin Yun, Black Sect Feng Shui is a synthesis of Tibetan, Chinese Buddhist Taoist principles, folk wisdom, as well as modern psychology and design principals.  Black Sect Teachings help bring to fruition an individual’s wish for positive change in accord with Universal Principals.

Meditation practices awaken a clear view of what is needed and appropriate to correct and balance disharmony in our environment and in ourselves.  By understanding our environment as a perfect expression of our spiritual and psychological condition, we can use the juncture of self and home, place and being to create true comfort and joy.  Since the spiritual precedes the physical, using Black Sect Feng Shui methods creates a new beginning, repairs what has been spoiled, and increases what is already good.  By both adjusting our environments and adjusting ourselves, we enliven and inspire the continual process of transformation as a way of Being.  Changing the chi (life force energy) of a place changes the situation’s inherent intention, which then changes the luck/fate/karma of the inhabitants.  Black Sect practitioners learn to adjust chi at the most appropriate dimension, whether directly through meditation, using natural forces, or through Feng Shui adjustment.”

Your home is an outer reflection of your life.  By using the eight sided bagua as a map, on location or from a distance, a person’s space can be read and adjusted for optimal flow of life force energy.  With the knowing that all things in nature desire to be in balance and harmony, and the implementation of visualization, intention and transcendental healing, the process of bringing a person and his or her surroundings into alignment with their highest potential is facilitated.



Building Biology‘ combines a scientific approach with a holistic view of the relationship between people, their buildings, and the earth.  It is looking at buildings as ecosystems, and focuses on creating a healthy indoor living climate, as well as a harmonious connection to it’s natural surroundings.  Using Baubiology principles, I will assist you in improving your indoor air quality, lightening your chemical footprint and guide you toward making more environmentally sound choices for a healthier lifestyle, and a healthier home.  What is good for the earth is good for you, treat your home as an ecosystem.



 (a brief overview by The International Center for Reiki Training of Southfield Michigan)

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.  It is administered by “laying on hands” or from a distance and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.  If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress.  If it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.”

“The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom” or the “Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy.”  So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”  Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.  It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect.  It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to improve well being, relieve side effects and promote recovery.”

While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion.  There is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki.  In fact, Reiki will work whether you believe in it or not.  Reiki comes from an infinite source and can connect us to our infinite self and true nature.

There are five precepts related to the practice of Reiki.  The ideals are both guidelines for living a gracious life and virtues worthy of practice for their inherent value.  Their purpose is to help people realize that healing the spirit by consciously deciding to empower oneself, is a necessary part of the Reiki healing experience.  In order for the Reiki healing energies to have lasting results, the client must accept responsibility for her or his healing and take an active part in it.

The Five Precepts Are:

  1. Just for today I will trust and let go of worry

  2. Just for today I will allow myself to feel anger and let go of it

  3. I will do my work with honesty and integrity

  4. I will accept the many blessings of life and express gratitude

  5. I will be kind to myself and all living things



Reciprocity – The natural law of giving and receiving.  It is the rhythm of a gift economy – an exchange of needs, services, talents, skills and trades as viable sources of compensation and income that are in equal value to the monetary.  It stems from the understanding that an actual ‘gain’ in relationship is the ability to offer a strength of yours, while having the openness to receive what is being offered to you.  Not with obligation or expectation, but open, free and willing.  The very act of being able to receive and then having a desire to give in return or ‘pay it forward’ is gratitude in and of itself.  It is the direct result of being in balance.  Reciprocity is a fair relationship based in trust, genuinness, authenticy, equality, responsibility and integrity. It comes from the mindset of abundance, self-care and prosperity. When one of the two counterparts is being blocked, it is an imbalance.  This imbalance creates a disharmony in relating to each other, other creatures and our planet, which results in creating unhealthy dynamics between living things and living systems.  These unhealthy dynamics have a direct effect on our happiness, health and well-being.  Reciprocity facilitates health, happiness, and a feeling of wholeness of being at home with oneself and the world.




Interdependence –  “Mutually dependent,” it is the balance of dependence and independence at its finest where two existing things enter into a relationship to mutually benefit each other and the system in which they live – a relationship of supportive empowerment.  These symbiotic interactions do not sacrifice the individual self, in doing so ultimately sacrifices the whole.  Interdependence is about the willingness to work together through applying the practice of reciprocity.  It is true teamwork or partnership of collaboration, community, communication and respect for life.  It is about cultivating thriving relationships, agreements and interactions that feed off of the well-spring of connection, balance and responsibility.